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Hi,my name is Felice Tan.
I am from CHIJ Our Lady Queen Of Peace from 6 Love.I like to joke n play around ,and mostly,I lurve Felicia Chin Jing Xuan!!!She so Pretty n Cute!!!FELICIA CHIN RAWKS FOREVER!!!


I wish to be a MEDIACORP actress!
I wish there was a time travel!
I wish to pass my PSLE wif flyin colours!
I wish to meet Felicia Chin!


Kimie Quah
Cynthia Lam
Kimberly Foo
Regine Yap
Amelia Lim

Shing He
Robyn Tan
Felicia Chin
Justin Tan
Ng Hui Si
Shannon Tan
6 Love class Tee
Kelly Tan
Chua Xu Yang


•October 2009

•November 2009

•December 2009

•January 2010

•February 2010

•August 2010


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Monday, November 30, 2009

上个星期五,我的爸爸和妈妈带我和哥哥到Wild Wild Wet。那里人山人海,非常热闹!我们十一点多才到那里。当我们到那里,买票处前排了一条好长的龙啊!我们等了大约四十五分钟才买到票。到了里面,幸好找到一个位子。我们把东西放下就跑去玩了!我们玩得不亦乐乎,兴高采烈!到了两点多,我们去吃我们的午餐。我们玩了:Slide Up,Ular-lah,Shock River n somemore but forgot le!到了大概四点多,我们就去冲凉了。幸好,当我们冲完了,就下起了倾盆大雨。我们很开心!

Smile always | 10:50 AM

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today,26 November 2009,I went to school to collect my PSLE result!When i reached school,tere was oready alot of ppl!I saw Grace,Hui Si n Shing He.I went to sit wif them.Miss lim give us a talk n it was time to give our results!It goes by register no.When it was my turn,my beat very fast!When i take my results,i dare not see!I thought i would get 200 n below!When i open,I was sad n happy!Sad as i never scored to my expectation.Happy b'cos i scored  above 200 n my chinese finally get an A*!ZLS said if me and huisi never scored A or A*,she will gen wo men jue jiao!When i saw my chinese get A*,n huisi get A,we went n find ZLS!She was happy!I tink she cried b'cos she use tissue paper to clean her eyes....:'(I'll like to thank 周老师 and Mrs wong for teaching me for this year!I oso wan to thank all my frenz n classmates!!!!!Thanku:)
For being my best frenz.....<3 <3 We muz go same school!!!
.Kimie Mila
.Tour Guide
.Kimmy Foo
.Hazel FangLing
.Jia Hui
No matter how much u scored for PSLE,we will still be 6 LOVE!
.Mrs Wong
.Ms Yeo
.Mrs Ong
.Mdm Kho
.Cicku Aniza(dunno how to spell)

Smile always | 8:40 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ELLOSSSSSSSSSSS!Are u all scared?1 more day!Tomorrow!AWWWWWWWWWWW
So scary.Tomorrow gonna take PSLE results!Let me predict my marks....erm...more than 100,less than 300!Of course!hmm...more than 150,less than 250...tat's better.I'm feeling scared!wad if....i failed?Scored low marks?I will be DOOMMMMMMM!No computer,no television.Nothing!Hope my result will be above 200!Btw,wad time muz we reached?I heard Grace saying by 11.00 muz assembly in hall?Yar,maybe!GTG,Everyone,GOOD LUCK!!!

Little Rainbow Dot

Smile always | 4:06 PM

On Monday,i went to Cynthia's hse!At 12.30pm,I left house n walked to Yew Tee point.It was very hot! *Sweating* hehe.....I asked Cynthia to wait for me outside Yew Tee at Old Chang Kee!When i reached tere,she was already waiting tere.She said she had already waited for 10 mins.Then, we went in to Yew Tee point to buy ourselves bubble tea.I brought Chocolate iceblended while she bought Champhange grape.We drnk while we walked to her hse.Cynthia's hse was so damn nice n cool!During term 1,i went to her hse and it was oso very nice but now were better.B'cos she renovated her house!Cynthia's sisters,Tricia n Hilda were all at home.First,Cynthia took out her dancing mat we started to dance!At first,i was not really good at it,but after tat were better than before!B'cos,u noe the meaning of 熟能生巧?It means practice makes perfect!After dancing,we went to eat lunch.Cynthia's maid had cooked macaroni!It was delicious!Then,we went to her room.Cynthia on e laptop and we watched 'ORPHAN' together.Although i had already watched it for 3 times,i was still scared as it was so disgusting!Then,we were bored so we went to 7-ELEVEN outside Yew Tee point.When we reached home,we wear the roller blade and went roller blading!We went to e nearby playgroud and we played "FEAR-FACTOR" Then we played catching around the blocks.When we reached back to Cynthia's hse,my maid called!I had to go home but juz nice,Cynthia,Hilda n their maid wanna go ntuc to buy rice.So we walked to Yew Tee point together!When i reached home,i selpt for 4 while.Then,my papa bring me to stadium to jog!BYE BYE!

Felice Tan

Smile always | 3:44 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yesterday,20 November 2009,was my last day of school!We had Prize Giving Ceremony N Speech Day!The emmcees were Deepika n Shannon Low!First,we had the prize giving ceremony.The guest of honour gave out certificates to those who get 1st or 2nd in class!Then,e speech day started.E first item was the P1 english speech n drama!E IJ angel is Grabrille Ong!She's so damn cute:)Nxt,it was our school choir.They sang 2 songs which i did not noe e name of e song...hehe...o.o,e third item was the fusion dance.They dance'大长今'.Okay lar,quiet nice!Then,the P2 perform a chinese speech about Little Red Riding Hood!Nxt,it's e TAP DANCER!!!The dance was nice n cool<3I love it...Then,we went up to class.Mrs Wong allow us to take photos wif our classmates.We took a lot of photos.At 10.30,we went down to had our milo drink...Then,we went to find ms yeo to take phtos wif her.We oso went to find ZLS to take phtos although me n huisi had already take wif her the previous day.ZLS said tat she will try to 打扮 like Felicia Chin...'Felice,Cynthia and Huisi's favourites idol'She really wear like Felicia Chin.We took a lot of pics wif her.Then the bell ring....it was time for us to say goodbye to our frenz...and teachers.....:'(GOODBYE FRENZ N TEACHERS N 6 LOVE!!!LOVE U GIRLS...GONNA MISS U<3 LET"S KEEP 6 LOVE ALIVE!!!
BYE BYE<3..........MUACKS......

Smile always | 4:51 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

So sad!Today,19 November 2009,is P6 GRADUATION!E emmcees for today is Mira,Jie Che n Shruti...They were good emmcees...hehe!In e morning,we had a Thanksgiving ceremony.Then,we had a farewell suprise for Ms Lim our Principal as she was goin to leave CHIJ OLQP!She had been in tis school for 8 years already!WOW...Every level had presented some gift for Ms Lim.P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6!After presenting gifts for Ms Lim,e P6s perform Hip-Hop dance tat we learnt in the P6 camp!FUN?Grace,Cynthia,Shinghe,Xuyang,Leona,Denise,Janelle,Vienna dance in the farewell too!;)It lasted for around 45 mins,i tink...hahas!After,we had to pratice our Graduation!E first item was e P6 Loves animation!Then,it was Regine,Robyn,Alicia,Mira,Kit,Kimie.Q n Shumin's turn to sing a song called I"M YOURS....It was a nice song! Then,it was mine(Felice),Huisi,Kimmy.F,Serena,Clarissa,Siti,Zhiwei,Wanting,Khashiweeni n Prudencia's turn to dance BEAT IT by Micheal Jackson!Wonderful,isn't it?Then,the P6 Peace class dance Hoedown Throwdown!Very nice u noe?Sorry Sorry by Super Juniors frm 6 Joy!
After a break,e real one came!We told ourselves nt to be scared.Muz calm dowm...Everything all went very 顺利!Then some of us have to sing a song'That's What Friends Are For'and some give out gifts to teachers!It was a meomorial day for me n all of us...We(Felice,Huisi,Grace n Shing he)went and took photos wif teachers.ETC:周老师,Mrs Wong,Mr Tan,Mdm Kho...The most photos we tok wif is 周老师 as we like 周老师! 周老师 looks like 陈靓瑄 rite?Isn't it?Btw,it's getting late!The last sentence i'm gona say is:"I LOVE 6 LOVES!LOVE U GUYS!I'M GONA MISS ALL OF U GUYS!!!DUN FORGET ME!MUZ REMEMBER ME!WE WILL STILL GET IN TOUCH ONE!LOVE ALL OF U GIRLS!GONNA MISS YOU!:"(
Have a Goodnite!Sweet Dreams^^hahaha......

Smile always | 8:43 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

HELLO=)To all creepy crawly frenzs...Today is Friday the 13th rite!Heard people saying friday the 13th is a bad luck day,isn;t it?But it is oso kindness day.iI noe tat 13 is a bad luck number,lots of ghost stories have the no 13!Dun be scared,now is 5.50pm.The nite is comin and tis day would be gone soon=)So dun be worry n scared of FRIDAY THE 13TH....hahaha.....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;)

Smile always | 5:46 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

On 10 november 2009,I went for camp in school.On e first day,in e morning,e teachers divided us into 10 teams.Grace n me were in team 1 while Huisi n Shing he were in team 2.We played incredible race first!Our trainer is mdm siti.In the incredible race,my team came in forth n Huisi's team came in second.After we played incredible race,we layed basketball.One of the basketball trainers was very tall.He said he was 2. someting tall and e shoe size was 15.WOW!They teach us hw to play basketball.The lesson was so damn fun lor!when it was aroung 2 plus,we learned how to dance hip hop!We dance for a very long time(leg very tired)^^hahaha......When it reaches evening,the dance lesson had finally over.We were so happy!=)We had our dinner first then we bath!Bathing was the most memorable one haha!After we had bath,the teachers wanted us to make our own hip hop dance!my team do not noe wad to do..hehe^^We went up n keep on hiding from the audience.But at least,we had prepared a little bit only!When I got back to my sit,Mrs Mok ask me to go over.So I went over to her.She told me'Felice,u today very girly!' N i was like huh?Then I went back.Then,Shing he,Hui si,Grace and me started to talk.Then Mrs Mok came again.She told us tat we tok alot.For the time being,we did not tok but after tat ,we started tyo tok again.Huisi told Mrs Mok that four of us were 小姐!She laugh.We had a camp fire!It was quite cool!After e campfire,we went to AVA room to sleep!But before sleeping,Ms Ng played a korean movie <回家>!We watched until aroud 1 plus!hehehe...The nxt morning,11 november 2009,we had our morning assembly,the we went to hort park!We walked until henderson waves!When we were walking back,Tess said tat she was our tour guide!Isn't it funny?haha.....She said tat she was from China and said tat she was Felicia Chin!We said'Felicia Chin is not from china but singapore'.Tess said'aiya nvm lar!'Then we keep on walkin n walk back to bus and reached school in time for asswembly!!!It was a fun camp but it was too short!How I wish it was 5 days 4 nite!I tink tat i'm a blessed girl!hahaha.......I'm very tired as did not sleep well!I wanna sleep liao.Bye bye!=)Oh,there is some pics and video!Pls enjoy!=)

Smile always | 3:06 PM

Last sunday,8 November 2009,I went to zhi qiang gor gor's wedding.In e morning,we went to his house to attend his tea ceremony.it's very crowded...hahaha...
Then,in e evening,we went to dunno wad hotel in clark quay...the ball room was so damn grand^^oso very big.there altogerther 55 tables...hehe!
Here r some pictures=)

thanku for seeing...^^

Smile always | 11:47 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

Yeppee...tomorrow is camp!Oh yes...I lurve camp.I believe it will be very exciting..haha^^U see,it's not very late now,but i wanna to sleep liao as i dun wan to have panda eyes tomorrow.If u have a panda eyes,u will be sleepy...Haha!Have have early nite:)晚安哦!GOODNITE^^ Tomorrow will be a GREAT day!

Smile always | 9:49 PM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Today,i went to cheryl's house to practice the Graduation dance.Our song title'Lies' by Bing Bang!!!!!Wah sianz....now slacking...feeling tired.Wanna go home n sleep but can't!Audition tis MONDAY!!!1 more day to go...Actually Fangling,Cheryl and Rohini want to go Jia hui's house tomorrow but i cannot make it.I nid to attend my cousin's wedding dinner tomorrow...NVM,juz work hard...:)jia you!thanku!YAWNING...^^

Smile always | 2:02 PM