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Hi,my name is Felice Tan.
I am from CHIJ Our Lady Queen Of Peace from 6 Love.I like to joke n play around ,and mostly,I lurve Felicia Chin Jing Xuan!!!She so Pretty n Cute!!!FELICIA CHIN RAWKS FOREVER!!!


I wish to be a MEDIACORP actress!
I wish there was a time travel!
I wish to pass my PSLE wif flyin colours!
I wish to meet Felicia Chin!


Kimie Quah
Cynthia Lam
Kimberly Foo
Regine Yap
Amelia Lim

Shing He
Robyn Tan
Felicia Chin
Justin Tan
Ng Hui Si
Shannon Tan
6 Love class Tee
Kelly Tan
Chua Xu Yang


•October 2009

•November 2009

•December 2009

•January 2010

•February 2010

•August 2010


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hey guys....haven been posting for a long while huh....cos i'm really really busy nowsaday..haha ;D so how life going?i'm fine of course.haha!My common test have just recently ended but i'm afraid i might fail..sob sob!wish me luck..haha

Smile always | 8:50 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wow it was terrific!Yesterday went to watch Chingay!The emceess was Bryan Wong,Gurmit Singh n Quan Yi Feng!The first item was the wu long.so nice sia......
The second was the butterfly lover<梁山伯和祝英台>i like tat.tis was the ren ci charity sghow which felicia chin n elvin ng acted!!!!!then still got alot i can't name all out lar:)Juz so so so so nice but quiet noisy.tere oso fireworks.......then at the end, taufik,zhi yang n another girl sang(i dunno who the girl is haha...)
I LOVE TAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s.nxt year muz get a better sitting.hahaha......:p

Smile always | 7:11 PM

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's been 1 month in school!!!

Smile always | 4:10 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello everyone!=)
Have not been posting for a while......
BTW,Happy new year!!!!!
Hope to meet all my frenzs again!

Smile always | 6:54 PM

Friday, December 11, 2009

WOW.....Jakatar was so damn fun....
We went on 5 december 2009 n came back on 9 december 2009:)
On e first day,we took Air Asia to Indonesia then my mum's freind came n pick us.
She bring us to the apartment we're staying in and then bring us to have Japanese food for dinner.It was a shopping centre.So BIG!!!After eating,we went shopping....
E nxt morning,we went to junior fantasy n went to sea world.....
tere's lots of sea creatures in tere.we went for fish spa too!
E third we actually wanted to go to Dufan but tere's a lot of ppl
then we went shopping.i bought some things tere.We ate American Grill for lunch and A&W for dinner....Delicious
On 8 dec,we went to a safari where is up on the hill.
In e safari,the animals are wild.Even the lions n tigers...
we oso can feed them food to eat.i saw a lion sleeping in front of the road and we cannot continue as the lion is blocking the way.But after for a while,the lion ran away......Then my bro ride the horse while i ride the camel...
On e fifth day,we went to DUFAN.It was so damn damn fun.tere's roller coaster.the roller coaster比singapore还要刺激!We oso ate Candy Floss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we took the plane back to Singapore....
I wanna go back tere again!<3................But,definetly not air asia haha......
I wanna Singapore airlines or Lusthansa

Little Rainbow Dot

Smile always | 1:46 PM

Monday, November 30, 2009

上个星期五,我的爸爸和妈妈带我和哥哥到Wild Wild Wet。那里人山人海,非常热闹!我们十一点多才到那里。当我们到那里,买票处前排了一条好长的龙啊!我们等了大约四十五分钟才买到票。到了里面,幸好找到一个位子。我们把东西放下就跑去玩了!我们玩得不亦乐乎,兴高采烈!到了两点多,我们去吃我们的午餐。我们玩了:Slide Up,Ular-lah,Shock River n somemore but forgot le!到了大概四点多,我们就去冲凉了。幸好,当我们冲完了,就下起了倾盆大雨。我们很开心!

Smile always | 10:50 AM

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today,26 November 2009,I went to school to collect my PSLE result!When i reached school,tere was oready alot of ppl!I saw Grace,Hui Si n Shing He.I went to sit wif them.Miss lim give us a talk n it was time to give our results!It goes by register no.When it was my turn,my beat very fast!When i take my results,i dare not see!I thought i would get 200 n below!When i open,I was sad n happy!Sad as i never scored to my expectation.Happy b'cos i scored  above 200 n my chinese finally get an A*!ZLS said if me and huisi never scored A or A*,she will gen wo men jue jiao!When i saw my chinese get A*,n huisi get A,we went n find ZLS!She was happy!I tink she cried b'cos she use tissue paper to clean her eyes....:'(I'll like to thank 周老师 and Mrs wong for teaching me for this year!I oso wan to thank all my frenz n classmates!!!!!Thanku:)
For being my best frenz.....<3 <3 We muz go same school!!!
.Kimie Mila
.Tour Guide
.Kimmy Foo
.Hazel FangLing
.Jia Hui
No matter how much u scored for PSLE,we will still be 6 LOVE!
.Mrs Wong
.Ms Yeo
.Mrs Ong
.Mdm Kho
.Cicku Aniza(dunno how to spell)

Smile always | 8:40 PM